Wildlife & Plants Photos
Foxes of the Greater Wapusk Ecosystem
A collection of photos of Arctic and red foxes from the Greater Wapusk Ecosystem. Click through the slideshow to see how Arctic fox coats change through the seasons – from snow white in the winter, to a scraggly mix of brown/white when they molt, to brown and tan in the summer breeding months.

C. Warret Rodrigues

Arctic foxes generally have bold temperaments and will often come up to us on the tundra while we are doing field work. C. Warret Rodrigues

Foxes eye pigmentation helps to reduce the glare of the sun from snow and ice. C. Warrett Rodrigues

C. Warret Rodrigues
Other wildlife in the Greater Wapusk Ecosystem
Due to the diversity of habitats within the Greater Wapusk Ecosystem, a wide variety of wildlife can be found throughout our study area. Other notable wildlife include polar bears, wolves, caribou, collared lemmings, meadow voles, bald and golden eagles, snowy owls, ptarmigan, Canada geese, snow geese, sandhill cranes, Arctic terns, parasitic jaegers, sandpipers, Arctic hares, and red squirrels, to name a few.

A. Moizan

Arctic hares will ‘box’ in the breeding season and typically occurs when a male is too persistent to breed with a female. C. Warrett Rodrigues

Life can be very hard for caribou during winter. With little food available, winter mortality can be substantial from year to year. A. Moizan

A. Moizan
Flora of the Greater Wapusk Ecosystem
Similar to wildlife, there is a relatively high diversity of plant life within the Greater Wapusk Ecosystem for an Arctic ecosystem.

Reindeer lichen gets its name because it is one of the main food sources for caribou on the tundra. C. Warrett Rodrigues

C. Warrett Rodrigues

C. Warrett Rodrigues

Reindeer lichen gets its name because it is one of the main food sources for caribou on the tundra. C. Warrett Rodrigues